Diane Seddon LRPS - A Photographer based in North Lincolnshire


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Peak District Magic

July 31, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

I live on the borders of the Peak District - and have done for many years - but it seems that only in the last 3 or 4 of those years, have I actually started to look around more.  Why is it that you don't look on your own doorstep so much, but feel you have to travel to another County, or even another Country to get those spectacular images.

The Peak District has been photographed to death, to the point where I reckon there are tripod holes in the 'best' places.  Having said that, it's not been photographed by ME, and so I've been making every effort to get out there and shoot, and this at stupid times of day, but when the light is at its best.

So - one morning towards the end of July - we arose from bed at 2.45 in the morning - having seen what looked like a reasonable weather forecast - it had been cool overnight, but dry, and the morning was set fair....   mist was intermittent as we headed off - and by the time we arrived at Calver, and Curbar village, the fog was really thick - we started the climb to Curbar Edge, and climbed out of the cloud inversion - what we saw was incredible...

I have never seen such a sight in the Peaks for a long time - Sometimes you have to forget the images, and just enjoy the view... Once we turned around though, we saw what was happening on Froggat Edge

The sun was just starting to come up - sunrise scheduled for 5.10am, with a hint of pink in the sky, it was just amazing.

The last shot for this blog is one I took of my better half, with the dog, shooting into the sun along the back of the edge.... a truly amazing morning.



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