As 2018 comes to an end, I felt the need to set myself a project with a long end date. I have chosen to try and photograph the Prime Meridian as it passes through Lincolnshire.
I started on the very tip of the Yorkshire Coastline, moved South to Spurn Point, and first landfall in Lincolnshire at Cleethorpes.
The images I upload will be on, or as near as I can get to zero degrees. It won't always be possible as I have found that the GPS on the car, and in the camera, is not as accurate as they could be, and the signage that is erected is in a 'convenient' place, and not always dead on the line.
In addition, there is the GMT - Greenwich Meridian Trail - a long distance footpath of some 300 miles that runs from Yorkshire right through to Greenwich. I'll attempt to follow some of this also as it passes through Lincolnshire.
An interesting fact is that Louth is the only town that the Meridian passes through the middle of. All the other places it passes on the outskirts.
There will also be diversions to places that take my interest. An example in point already is Sunk Island - not on the Meridian but somewhere with a name that just grabbed my attention.
I hope you enjoy the journey with me.
© Diane Seddon AFIAP CPAGB BPE3